Monday, May 26, 2008


321. Cards and books in the mail from a friend
322. The USPS
323. UPS
324. Scented candles
325. Juicy, crisp apples
326. Fuze drinks
327. Old hymns
328. Mental and physical health
329. Friends who share prayer needs and the depth of their grief over the death of a loved one; the privilege I have to pray for them
330. Our public library
331. Running water
332. A friend with plumbing knowledge and skill
333. Street signs and signals that keep order in a world of chaos
334. Fresh strawberries from our yard
335. Preparing a meal with one of my children
336. The smell of jasmine
337. Watching my girls play softball
338. Watching my husband pitch for his softball team
339. Daylight saving time
340. An interim pastor with a servant's heart

1 comment:

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Old hymns! Oh, we love to sing the story!

And libraries... what a humble privilege.

Let us give thanks to the Lord for His name is GOOD!