Monday, May 26, 2008

More thanks

401. The privilege of prayer
402. The gift of a new book from a friend for no reason at all
403. Watching "Little Women" with my girls
404. Sharing notes with Abby: her deepest thoughts and worries, my striving to affirm
405. "A Long Way Gone" by Ishmael Beah -- a heart-wrenching true story about child soldiers in Sierra Leone
406. Midday naps
407. The sadness of seniors' home-going, and the joy of knowing they are rejoicing in heaven (Mrs. Cleo, Mrs. Catherine, Mrs. Brenda, Mrs. Betty, etc.)
408. Cantaloupe
409. Watermelon
410. Cucumbers in my salad from our garden
411. Rain washing away the dirt and grime ... helping our veggies to grow ... giving life to flowers
412. All is green and full again
413. A husband with a strong work ethic
414. History pockets
415. My alarm clock and the snooze button
416. Sleeping children
417. Listening to senior adults talk about the way things used to be (Mrs. Bunny, Mrs. Aline, Mr. Jay)
418. Leftovers and not having to cook
419. Cheese
420. The Internet

1 comment:

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Oh, the sweetness of the daily gifts He gives... yes leftovers! such grace! And husbands with strong work ethics... thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord.

Isn't it transforming to look, to see, to give thanks?

Thank you for ministering to me tonight... giving praise to Him is what we are made for.

I appreciate you...
All's grace,