Friday, May 16, 2008


141. His mercies are new every morning.
142. Scrambled egg and cheese sandwiches.
143. Sweet iced tea.
144. Blueberry pancakes.
145. His love endures forever.
146. Old men laughing at cards in the stationery aisle.
147. Who am I that you are mindful of me, that you hear me when I call? Is it true that you are thinking of me, how you love me? It's amazing! I am a friend of God; He calls me friend.
148. Brooke Fraser music.
149. I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today!
150. Looking up at the night sky and seeing the stars He hung.
151. Scrapbooking with Lisa Whelchel.
152. I'm a woman.
153. Lit candles.
154. A time of purposing to surrender, purposing to praise.
155. Spiritual weapons: God's Word; prayer.
156. Grace that pardons and cleanses ... God's grace.
157. Track meets on chilly Saturday mornings.
158. Another day.
159. Grandma stories and talks.
160. The chance to be creative, to make something beautiful.

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